Around the tree
The Poirion herbarium
It is now more important than ever to restore, preserve and present to the public the only HERBARIUM OF ALPES-MARITIMES.
Louis Poirion, professor of Natural Sciences, exercised his function in Grasse. A remarkable botanist-taxonomist, LOUIS POIRION created, in over 50 years of meticulous harvesting, a herbarium which, after restoration, has more than 3300 specimens..
The Poirion Herbarium is one of the rare contemporary herbaria in the Alpes-Maritimes, highlighting this priceless natural heritage. It is a magnificent working tool for research, students from French and foreign universities, high school and college students.
Researchers will find samples of rare plants there and will be able to follow the evolution of the vegetation: is such a species still present where LOUIS POIRION took it, or has it been eliminated by urbanization or other anthropogenic actions ?
An exceptional working tool, the POIRION HERBARIUM deserves to be preserved.
Consultation possible on request.
But also,
The Landscape Reading Table :It makes it possible to identify the geology, the vegetation, the altitude of the surrounding peaks...
The Pedagogical Route, rich in 13 scientific information panels. These panels – developed between 2007 and 2020 by Henri SANDOZ, Chairman of the Scientific Committee – allow visitors, who walk through the various paths of the Arboretum, to understand their interest and easily acquire knowledge that enriches their scientific culture.
List of the 13 scientific information panels located in the Altitude Arboretum Marcel Kroenlein in Roure
1 - Vegetation levels in the Maritime Alps (Text)
2 - Altitudinal succession of the main plant groups (mainly arborescent) in the Maritime Alps (Diagram)
3 - What is an arboretum? The Roure Arboretum
4 - Trees, shrubs and shrubby trees
5 - Trees - Hardwoods - Conifers
6 - The medium-altitude arborescent conifers of the Alps (Text)
7 - The medium-altitude arborescent conifers of the Alps (Drawings)
8 - High-altitude conifers of the Alps in the Arboretum (Text)
9 - High-altitude conifers of the Alps in the Arboretum (Drawings)
10 - Tassili cypress = Duprez cypress (Cupressus dupreziana A. Camus)
11 - Wollemia nobilis Jones, Hill & Allen: “Wollemi Pine” from Australia
12 - Rosa Area (Text)
13 - Rosa Area (Drawings)
At the Chalet de l'Arbre The Dendrochronoscope created by Dr Henri SANDOZ for the 30th anniversary of the Arboretum.
The Dendrochronoscope (from the Greek: dendron = tree, khronos = time, related to time and skopein = to look, to observe) is a structure intended to bring into coincidence the annual growth rings or tree rings of a log of woody plants, and trees in particular, with major events that took place during their lifetime at the very time of tree-ring formation. The dendrochronoscope is an original educational tool for knowledge, not only scientific but also historical and cultural. A log of European larch almost two centuries old is presented to visitors and analyzed.
The Chalet de la Pépinière d’Études with Carpothèque and Xylothèque to learn a little more about the woods of the world, their uses and the structures of conifer cones.
The bird pond will be an opportunity to see one of the great eagles present on the site, a bearded vulture, and also smaller birds as well as seasonal insects.
The Blue Lake … It is an optical effect where the light at the bottom of the valley gives the illusion of diving into a blue lake.