Journée des oiseaux

1 June 202030 June 2020 Jour entier

A pretext to come and observe the birds around the bird cascatelles and its observation post, while following a unique ornithological route in search of the Golden Eagle, the Circaète Jean-le-blanc, we find there, the Common buzzard, the grey flycatcher, the crossbills that come to drink at the fountain, the black woodpecker, the mad sparrow, the kestrel, but also the smallest of our birds: the triple-banded kinglet. The day will be hosted by two renowned ornithologists from the Roure Arboretum Scientific Committee: Martine and Michel Belaud. Ce sera aussi l’occasion de vous émerveiller devant les sculptures d’oiseaux grandeur nature créées par Michel Belaud qui ponctuent les arbres de nos sentiers. Des ouvrages et binoculaires seront mis à votre disposition.

Dédicace du livret “Biodiversité” par Michel Belaud.((Download the faunal inventory))

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